application Archives | Datafloq Data and Technology Insights Tue, 19 Mar 2024 14:58:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 application Archives | Datafloq 32 32 11 Popular CSS Frameworks That Will Help You Build Faster & Save Time in 2024 Tue, 19 Mar 2024 14:58:21 +0000 Efficiency is the King. The need to develop modern, responsive apps/websites quickly and cost-effectively is most important in the age of AI. This is where CSS frameworks come in!  A […]

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Efficiency is the King. The need to develop modern, responsive apps/websites quickly and cost-effectively is most important in the age of AI. This is where CSS frameworks come in!  A recent survey by [source: Website Builder Expert] revealed that over 70% of web developers leverage CSS frameworks to streamline their workflow.  If you're boosting your development life cycle in 2024, this blog is for you!  Check out the 11 of the most popular CSS frameworks that can empower you to build stunning apps/websites faster than ever before.


What is a framework in CSS?

Imagine CSS frameworks as pre-built toolkits for web developers.  Instead of writing all the CSS code from scratch to style a website,  these frameworks provide a collection of pre-designed styles and components like buttons, forms, and navigation bars. This saves developers tons of time and effort, especially when developing responsive mobile apps that need to adapt to different screen sizes.  

Benefits of Using a CSS Framework

1.Faster Development:  

CSS frameworks come pre-equipped with a vast library of pre-built styles and components. This eliminates the need for developers to write everything from scratch, allowing them to focus on customizing the framework's styles to fit their specific project needs. In today's fast-paced development environment, this time-saving benefit is crucial for launching projects quickly and efficiently.

2. Consistent Design and Style:  

Maintaining a consistent look and feel across an entire website can be challenging with custom CSS. Frameworks address this by offering a standardized set of styles for common elements like buttons, forms, and navigation bars. This ensures a cohesive user experience and a professional overall aesthetic.

3. Responsive Design Made Easy:  

With the ever-increasing use of mobile devices, creating responsive websites that adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes is no longer optional. Many CSS frameworks are built with responsiveness in mind, providing built-in grid systems and utilities that simplify the process of crafting fluid layouts.

4. Improved Maintainability:  

Frameworks often promote a more modular and organized approach to CSS code. This makes it easier for developers to maintain and update styles in the future,  especially when working on large or collaborative projects. Additionally, many frameworks have large and active communities, providing access to resources and support for troubleshooting any issues that may arise.

1. Tailwind CSS:

  • Features: Utility-first approach, highly customizable, lightweight.
  • Why Choose Tailwind CSS: Ideal for building complex UIs with maximum control and flexibility. Great for experienced devs who prefer a granular approach.
  • Top Users:, Webflow.

2. Bootstrap:

  • Features: Mature, widely adopted, extensive component library, responsive grid system.
  • Why Choose Bootstrap: Excellent starting point for beginners, vast ecosystem of themes and plugins, ideal for rapid prototyping.
  • Top Users: Spotify, Slack, NASA (.gov).

3. Materialize CSS:

  • Features: Google's Material Design implementation, pre-built components, animations, cross-browser compatibility.
  • Why Choose Materialize CSS: Perfect for building apps with a clean, modern aesthetic inspired by Google's design language.
  • Top Users: Airbnb (partially), MDB (commercial theme provider).

4. Foundation:

  • Features: Modular, responsive, accessible, Sass preprocessor integration.
  • Why Choose Foundation: Flexible and customizable, strong focus on accessibility, well-suited for complex web applications.
  • Top Users: Yahoo!, ZURB (framework creators).

5. Bulma:

  • Features: Simple, lightweight, flexbox-based layout, easy learning curve.
  • Why Choose Bulma: Perfect for beginners or small projects, clean and minimal aesthetic, easy to integrate with existing code.
  • Top Users: BMW, Siemens.

6. UIKit:

  • Features: Lightweight, component-based, touch-friendly, extensive documentation.
  • Why Choose UIKit: Well-suited for mobile-first development, offers a rich set of interactive components for dynamic interfaces.
  • Top Users: GOV.UK, Wrappapper (theme provider).

7. Chakra UI:

  • Features: React-based, component library, accessible, built with TypeScript.
  • Why Choose Chakra UI: Ideal for building modern React applications with a focus on accessibility and type safety.
  • Top Users: Asana, Vercel.

8. Emotion:

  • Features: CSS-in-JS solution, integrates seamlessly with React, runtime styling.
  • Why Choose Emotion: Enables writing CSS within JavaScript components for better organization and maintainability in React projects.
  • Top Users: Netflix, Dropbox.

9. Styled-components:

  • Features: Another CSS-in-JS solution, component-scoped styles, integrates with various React frameworks.
  • Why Choose Styled-components: Similar benefits to Emotion, offers a slightly different syntax and styling approach within React components.
  • Top Users: Uber, Reddit.

10. Semantic UI:

  • Features: Semantic class naming, human-readable syntax, large component library.
  • Why Choose Semantic UI: Easy to learn due to intuitive class names, promotes self-documenting code, extensive component options.
  • Top Users: Atlassian, Microsoft (partially).

11. Pure CSS:

  • Top Features: Lightweight collection of basic styles, promotes a minimalist approach, vendor prefixes included.
  • Why Choose Pure CSS: Ideal for small projects or developers who prefer a vanilla CSS experience with minimal overhead.
  • Top Users: Many small businesses and developer portfolios.


How Choose the Best CSS Framework for Your Project


      1. Complexity: For simple websites, a lightweight framework like Bulma or Pure CSS might suffice. Complex UIs with intricate designs might benefit from          Tailwind's granular control or Bootstrap's vast component library.

       2. Responsiveness: Is a responsive design a must? Most modern frameworks prioritize responsiveness, but some like Foundation excel in this area.

      3. Technical Expertise: Consider your team's skill set. Beginner-friendly frameworks like Bootstrap or Bulma might be a good starting point, while Tailwind caters to experienced developers comfortable with a utility-first approach.

      4. Integration Concerns: Are you using a specific JavaScript library or PHP framework (e.g., React)? Opt for a compatible framework.

     5. Project Scale: For large-scale projects, a lightweight framework like Tailwind or Pure CSS might be preferable to avoid code bloat.

     6. Popularity: Popular frameworks like Bootstrap or Materialize often have larger communities, providing easier access to tutorials, troubleshooting, and third-party themes or plugins.

You can choose a CSS framework that empowers you to develop beautiful, functional websites/apps efficiently in 2024. Remember, there's no single “best” framework – the ideal choice depends on your unique project and development preferences.


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Applications Security: A Strategic Perspective Thu, 23 Nov 2023 11:24:40 +0000 Advancement in domain-specific industries with the unification of modern digitalization and the need to diversify for competitive advantage gain has elevated the need for developing software applications. The rapidness has […]

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Advancement in domain-specific industries with the unification of modern digitalization and the need to diversify for competitive advantage gain has elevated the need for developing software applications. The rapidness has introduced large sums of software applications into the market. Some solve actual problems, and some support the functionality of other applications, acting as dependencies.

With the availability of open-source dependencies and the need for competitive justification, organizations adopt accelerated development strategies with a first-to-the-market wins mindset. This mindset proves advantageous but exacts a heavy tool concerning security. Applications become vulnerable to security exploits, putting an organization's integrity and reputation at stake, making application security a prime factor to consider throughout the software development life cycle.

The Flip Side of Application Security

Application security refers to proactive measures with application security best practices enforcement on applications, their respective codebases, and infrastructure to ensure security guarantees while employing robust protective measures on software against attacks and threats.

Steadfast implementation of application security with flexibility to append new practices as they arise with growing market demands yields exceptional benefits concerning security. With the rapid development cycle, some features will get deployed, unverified against the security standards.

The advantages of application security are compact compared to the consequences of failing to apply them. Consequences such as sensitive data exposures and breaches, service disruptions, supply chain risks, and regulatory issues are just the tip of the iceberg. Adequate and proactive security measures with application security best practices offer a strong defense against vulnerabilities and anomalies.

Application Security Proactive Measures

Proactive application security measures help detect and neutralize attacks before they can exploit weaknesses and maintain a strong security posture with a sound strategy. The following solutions incorporate cutting-edge measures beyond conventional security standards to attain application security in dynamic and changing contexts:

Threat Modeling

Threat modeling is a structured technique for locating and assessing possible security risks and weaknesses in a system or application at the early design stages. Threat modeling aims to enhance the overall security posture by assessing security threats, prioritizing them according to their potential impact, and putting mitigation techniques proactively into place.

The outcome of a detailed threat model can help organizations identify threats to rank and prioritize them during the initial development stages, build mitigation strategies, and log the outcomes to iterate and enhance the security posture.

Continuous Security Testing

Iterative test assessment and validation of security controls throughout the software development life cycle is where continuous security testing shines. Continuous security testing smoothly incorporates security evaluations throughout the development process, proactively through an automated approach.

Through this approach, security teams can implement static and dynamic application security testing with dependency scanning to validate and back the secure delivery capabilities of the applications.

Immutable Infrastructure

Immutable infrastructure emphasizes the idea that once an instance is deployed, it is never modified. Instead, the change leads to the provisioning or deployment of a new instance.

In the event of a breach or attack, immutable infrastructure can benefit in spinning up new instances with clean code modules unaffected by vulnerabilities. It can also help with isolating resources from affected counterparts, offering consistency, scalability, security, and predictability of applications and underlying infrastructure with reliability guarantees.

Best Practices

Long-term planning always delivers security expectations when efficient and advanced practices are opted for deriving resilient application security posture. Let us explore advanced security practices that act as a resource group comprising a set of essential security requirements into a unified offering for efficiency:

DevSecOps Integration

DevSecOps seeks to find and fix security flaws early and often by incorporating security practices into every stage of the development process, from code creation to deployment and beyond. It promotes a shared responsibility mindset among development, operations, and security teams to align continuous security testing, code analysis, and compliance checks.

Integrating DevSecOps as part of application security proactive measures improves communication and collaboration among teams, enhancing scalability and flexibility of development and deployment with shift-left security benefits.

Zero Trust Architecture

A strict architecture that follows the never-trust, always-verify approach is a zero-trust security model, which is essential for continuously verifying and provisioning resources based on a need-to-know and need-to-access basis.

By applying least privilege access with dynamic policy enforcement for governance and monitoring for visibility and auditability, zero-trust architecture shines at safeguarding and ensuring application security at its peak.

Realtime Response Systems

Realtime response systems are tools leveraging collectively from advanced Monitoring as Code and Infrastructure as Code methodologies. They detect, analyze, and respond to security incidents in near-real-time with rapid and automated responses to security events to minimize the impact of the incident and mitigate potential threats.

Automated remediations with incident triage, logging, alerting, and notifying the response teams during critical failures while maintaining robust compliance standards are possible.


Applications grow more complex as technology evolves. It's crucial to safeguard the applications to secure private information, uphold user confidence, and reduce the attack surface. By adopting a proactive approach and strong application security strategy through sophisticated methods like DevSecOps integration, Zero Trust Architecture, and continuous security testing, organizations can evade dangers early in the development process by taking preventive measures and fixing them.

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Application Mapping for Big Data Environments Mon, 16 Oct 2023 16:36:22 +0000 As organizations increasingly rely on complex ecosystems to support their big data operations, understanding and visualizing the intricate relationships within these systems becomes essential. This is where application mapping, also […]

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As organizations increasingly rely on complex ecosystems to support their big data operations, understanding and visualizing the intricate relationships within these systems becomes essential. This is where application mapping, also known as application dependency mapping, comes into play. 

By delineating the connections between various software applications and the underlying IT infrastructure, application mapping paints a clear picture of how big data systems interact and depend on each other, and can unlock benefits such as improved performance, better collaboration, and enhanced risk management.

What Is Application Mapping? 

Application mapping, also known as application dependency mapping, is a process that aids in understanding and visualizing the relationships and dependencies between different software applications and systems within an IT infrastructure. This process involves creating a visual map of the interconnections and dependencies of applications, servers, and other network elements.

The primary goal of application mapping is to provide a holistic view of the system's architecture, facilitating easier management, monitoring, and troubleshooting. It serves as a roadmap, detailing how different applications interact with each other and with the broader IT environment. This information is invaluable when it comes to making decisions concerning system changes, updates, or troubleshooting.

The process of application mapping involves several steps, including data collection, data analysis, and visualization. The data collected includes information about the applications, their dependencies, and the underlying infrastructure. This data is then analyzed to identify patterns and relationships, which are subsequently visualized in a map.

Benefits of Application Mapping in Big Data 

Big data environments are complex and have multiple applications that interact with each other. Here are some of the key benefits of application mapping for big data ecosystems:

Improved Data Lineage

Data lineage refers to the life-cycle of data, including its origins, movement, characteristics, and quality. By mapping applications, you can trace the flow of data through your system, providing greater transparency and accountability.

This clear understanding of data lineage can help in identifying bottlenecks, ensuring data integrity, and improving overall data governance. It can also facilitate regulatory compliance by providing a clear trail of data usage, storage, and disposal.

Enhanced Performance Optimization

Another key benefit of application mapping is enhanced performance optimization. By understanding the interdependencies between applications, you can identify potential bottlenecks and inefficiencies in your system.

For instance, if one application relies heavily on another for data or services, and that application is slow or unreliable, it can negatively impact the performance of the dependent application and slow down the data flow. By mapping these dependencies, you can identify such issues and take appropriate action to optimize performance.

Better Collaboration

Application mapping also fosters better collaboration among teams. With a clear map of the application landscape, teams across the organization can work more effectively together. Developers, operations, security, and business teams can all use the application map to understand the system and their role within it.

Risk Management and Compliance

Lastly, application mapping aids in risk management and compliance. By providing a clear view of the application landscape, it can help identify potential risks and vulnerabilities. Moreover, in an age of increasing regulatory scrutiny, having a detailed understanding of your data flow can aid in compliance efforts.

Tools and Techniques for Big Data Application Mapping 

Automated Discovery

Automated discovery is a key component of application mapping. These tools scan your entire network, automatically identifying all the applications and systems in use. They can detect everything from web servers and databases to cloud services and virtual machines, providing a comprehensive view of your IT landscape.

Automated discovery tools also track the interactions between these different components. This enables them to generate a detailed map that shows not just what applications you have, but also how they are connected. This is invaluable for understanding the flow of data within your system, as well as for identifying potential points of failure.

Manual Annotation

While automated discovery is powerful, it's not always enough. Sometimes, you need to add your own insights and knowledge to the map. This is where manual annotation comes in.

Manual annotation allows you to add notes to your map, detailing specific aspects of your applications and systems. This could be anything from the purpose of a particular application, to the reason for a particular connection. By adding this context, you can make your map much more useful and meaningful.

Hierarchical Mapping

Another important technique in application mapping is hierarchical mapping. This involves organizing your applications and systems into a hierarchy, based on their relationships and dependencies.

Hierarchical mapping can be useful for understanding the structure of your IT landscape. It can help you to identify which applications are most critical to your business, and which ones are dependent on others. This can be invaluable for planning updates and changes, as well as for managing risk.

Best Practices for Application Mapping in Big Data Environments 

Start with High-Level Mapping

When starting with application mapping, it's often best to begin at a high level. This involves identifying all the major applications and systems in your big data ecosystem, and mapping out their basic interactions.

Starting at a high level allows you to get a broad view of your environment. It can help you to identify key applications and dependencies, as well as potential bottlenecks and points of failure. Once you have this high-level map, you can then drill down into the details.

Drill Down to Detail

Once you have your high-level map, it's time to drill down into the details. This involves going deeper into each application and system, identifying their individual components and how they interact. Drilling down can help you to identify hidden dependencies and potential issues in the big data environment, as well as opportunities for optimization.

Document Data Flows

One of the most important aspects of application mapping is documenting your data flows. This involves mapping out the paths that data takes through your system, from its source to its destination.

Documenting your data flows can be incredibly useful for understanding how your applications and systems interact. It can help you to identify potential bottlenecks and points of failure in big data systems.

Incorporate Metadata

Another key best practice is to incorporate metadata into your map. This involves adding additional information about each application and system, such as their purpose, owner, and performance metrics.

Incorporating metadata can make your map much more useful and meaningful. It can provide context and insight, helping you to understand not just what your applications and systems do, but also why they do it.

Identify Single Points of Failure

Big data systems are often mission critical for an organization. One of the most important aspects of application mapping is identifying single points of failure. These are parts of your system that, if they fail, could bring down your entire operation.

By identifying these points of failure, you can take steps to mitigate the risk. This could involve adding redundancy, implementing failover mechanisms, or simply monitoring these points more closely. By doing so, you can ensure that your system is robust and resilient, even in the face of failure.


In conclusion, mastering application mapping is crucial for effectively managing your big data environment. It can provide a comprehensive view of your IT landscape, helping you to understand how your applications and systems interact, and where potential issues may lie. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your map is accurate, meaningful, and useful.


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Why Blockchain Is The Missing Piece To IoT Security Puzzle Tue, 21 Mar 2023 12:47:10 +0000 Since its inception, IoT technology has restructured how data is collected and executed to render services. Yet as IoTs become one of the many common variables in technology, the ongoing […]

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Since its inception, IoT technology has restructured how data is collected and executed to render services. Yet as IoTs become one of the many common variables in technology, the ongoing discourse suggests deep concerns when it comes to data security on its front. In support of this assertion are numerous reports of cyberattacks on IoT devices connected to a network such as motion sensors, GPS modules, surveillance cameras, home security systems, etc.

In comes Blockchain with a befitting answer to all IoT security concerns. Blockchain facilitates countering data breaches with a decentralized database system accessible only through a tokenized window. Moreover, it further strengthens IoT networks through consensus algorithms and quarantining of nodes. Blockchain provides a verification-authentication-powered digital infrastructure to IoT devices to securely accumulate and analyze diverse datasets.

Upscaling IoT Security With Blockchain Technology

On average, instances of compromise on IoT devices have been reported to be triggered through Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. These DDoS attacks connect to various devices on the network, quickly forming a botnet that overwhelms the website with traffic. Ergo, making room to strike the website, breach and steal datasets, and spam site nodes.

With Blockchain in the picture, IoT services on devices are spooled under the layers of cryptography. This enables complete user anonymity and ensures data privacy, which when it comes to IoT devices, puts users in complete control. On side of the backend, developers would gain the ability to practice accurate monitoring of devices and identify devices carrying potential threats.

Benefits of Implementing Blockchain To IoT Devices

Rendering IoT devices upon a Blockchain architecture has benefits beyond just data security. For instance, businesses can identify loopholes in operations impacting finance using blockchain. Through an IoT device or sensor present at the junction of error, blockchain can be used to read and eliminate anomalies rectifying the system. To summarize the notion of incorporating IoT with Blockchain, the benefits can be enlisted as follows:

  1. Blockchain provides a decentralized structure of data storage that can be accessed only through a tokenized system.
  2. Tokenized system of accessing data to track potential threats and add real-time authentication and authorization process.
  3. Help identify anomalies in datasets and purge single points of failure.
  4. Establish authenticity and build trust between IoT processes.
  5. Eliminate extra expenses on fixing data breaches and save costs spent on operations.

Implementation Process For Blockchain For IoT Security

Outside of its impact in strengthening data security, the list of utilities of Blockchain can prioritize the standardization of enormous data processed by IoT devices. This, alongside other supplements ensuring data autonomy and integrity, can help leverage IoT devices to suit enterprises the best.

On the other hand, equal emphasis on Blockchain app development to implement with IoT devices is required. For IoT manufacturers looking to make a shift toward blockchain technology, the following steps are worth noting –

  • Define the Use Case: Determine the specific use case for which you want to implement the blockchain on IoT devices. This could be any scenario where you want to ensure data integrity, security, and trust.
  • Choose the Right Blockchain Platform: Select the appropriate blockchain platform based on your use cases, such as Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, or IOTA.
  • Design the Blockchain Architecture: Determine the blockchain architecture for the IoT devices. This includes designing smart contracts, consensus mechanisms, and transaction validation methods.
  • Choose the IoT Devices: Select the IoT devices that will be connected to the blockchain. These devices should be able to communicate with the blockchain network.
  • Connect IoT Devices to Blockchain Network: Connect the IoT devices to the blockchain network using the appropriate protocols such as MQTT or CoAP.
  • Develop Smart Contracts: Develop the smart contracts that will be executed by IoT devices. These smart contracts will define the rules for transaction execution, data validation, and access control.
  • Integrate with IoT Gateway: Integrate the blockchain with the IoT gateway to ensure secure and reliable communication between the IoT devices and the blockchain network.
  • Test and Deploy: Test the blockchain implementation thoroughly and deploy it to the production environment.

It can be concluded, therefore, that Blockchain elevates the utility prowess of IoT devices, provides data privacy to users, and secures datasets with a tokenized authentication system – which is impossible to breach.

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The Business Case for Investing in Application Security Testing Mon, 13 Mar 2023 02:21:53 +0000 Software applications have changed the way we conduct our lives. They help us manage our financial transactions, track logistics, pay for utilities, monitor a person's vital signs, book tickets for […]

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Software applications have changed the way we conduct our lives. They help us manage our financial transactions, track logistics, pay for utilities, monitor a person's vital signs, book tickets for airlines, communicate on social media, watch movies, play games, provide security assurance, and many other things. Applications are evolving with each passing day and are changing the way we perceive the internet. From giving birth to new business enterprises to reshaping the existing ones, software applications are here to stay.

Be it cloud computing, Web 2.0, the Internet of Things, or any other technology frontier, so to speak, software applications are dictating the pace of global change. The global market for software application development is growing at a frenetic pace. In fact, businesses are investing to develop such applications to gain a competitive advantage, create new markets, achieve efficiencies, optimize costs, and communicate efficiently, among others. It is expected to reach $206.38 billion in 2022 at a CAGR of 26.92 per cent (source: The Business Research Company).

If, on the one hand, innovations in software applications are taking place, possibly touching every realm of the global economy, security concerns are following suit. Malevolent actors out to steal sensitive individual or business data are using every possible means to ferret out information. These may include malware, trojans, viruses, ransomware, phishing, and others. According to Cyber Security Ventures, the cost of cybercrime globally will reach a humongous $10.5 trillion annually by 2025. The growing menace leading to severe consequences makes application security testing a critical requirement for businesses to compete. Let us understand this in detail.

What is Application Security Testing?

Application security testing entails evaluating the security of a software application or system to detect bugs or vulnerabilities that could otherwise be exploited by cybercriminals. A robust security assurance framework can help a business enterprise mitigate risks, prevent data breaches, protect sensitive data and information, comply with regulatory standards, and maintain the stability, integrity, and accessibility of critical systems.

Why Should Businesses Invest in Application Security Testing?

Global news is abuzz with reports of malicious attacks targeting software applications across industries and geographies. The implications of such attacks on businesses are always high, which may include reputational damage, costly lawsuits, high penalties, and so on. Many businesses have even collapsed and gone bankrupt on account of such hacks. To counter these threats, there is a business case for investing in application security testing.

In today's business landscape, addressing security concerns with measures such as firewalls and intrusion detection and prevention technologies is not enough. Further, application hacks have become more complex and dynamic and look like standard Internet traffic, which is difficult to detect. So, businesses need to invest in security testing, either through in-house resources or by outsourcing the job to a professional security testing company. The compelling reasons for investing in cybersecurity assurance are as follows:

1. Ensure Regulatory Compliance

Several industries have strict regulatory norms that must be adhered to by businesses. These norms have been established to protect sensitive data, and any failure on the part of businesses to comply can invite severe penalties. These penalties can dent the reputation of businesses and hit their bottom lines. With application security testing, such businesses can ensure compliance with industry-specific regulatory norms.

2. Protect Data

Hackers can access sensitive customer and business information, leading to the loss or theft of such information. It goes without saying that such security breaches can result in customers losing trust in the business. Employing security testing services, on the other hand, can detect and fix bugs or vulnerabilities that could otherwise be exploited by threat actors.

3. Prevent Reputation Damage

A security breach can adversely impact the reputation of an organization. The latter could lose the trust of customers, clients, partners, and shareholders. In a competitive business environment where having high brand equity is critical to success, damage to reputation can turn out to be catastrophic.

4. Risk Mitigation

It is very difficult to regain the trust of customers, partners, and shareholders for any organization hit by a security breach. Application security testing identifies and fixes vulnerabilities before an attacker can exploit them. Thus, by mitigating risks, organizations can prevent the costly implications of a security breach.

5. Improved Customer Trust

Customers are known to trust businesses that have a robust cybersecurity framework. By employing professional security testing services, businesses can gain the trust of customers and improve their revenue streams.


Investing in application security testing can go a long way in helping businesses establish trust with customers and other stakeholders, protect critical assets, mitigate risks, meet compliance requirements, safeguard reputation, and achieve success.

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How can Machine-learning Apps Help us in the Real World? Fri, 17 Dec 2021 02:32:21 +0000 Machine Learning is the latest technology that has boosted many industries. With the help of Machine Learning, computer systems can take all the data of the customer and utilize it. […]

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Machine Learning is the latest technology that has boosted many industries. With the help of Machine Learning, computer systems can take all the data of the customer and utilize it. Machine Learning will operate on what is being programmed whilst also adjusting to new conditions or changes. In addition, algorithms will adapt to data, developing behaviors that were not programmed prior.

ML to read and observe context means digital assistance could browse emails and extract the essential information. Intrinsic in this learning is the capacity to predict the future behavior of customers. This will guide you to understand your customers more intensely and don't just be responsive but active.

It is used in many industries and sectors, and it possesses the capacity to grow better with time. Many sectors have already implemented ML in it.

Here are some real-life instances of machine learning.

Real-world examples of ML

  • Image recognition
  • Speech recognition
  • Medical diagnosis
  • Statistical arbitrage
  • Predictive analysis
  • Extraction

Image recognition

Image recognition is one of the best and most used examples of Machine Learning that is used in the real world. It is an example that everyone is aware of and has used once in their lifetime. It is used to recognize an object as a digital image based on the intensity of the pixels in black and white photos or color images.

Real-world examples of image recognition are:

  • A label on an x-ray, whether cancer or not
  • Assigning a name to a face in photographs, for example: tagging people in social media through image
  • Identifying handwriting by separating a single letter into small images

Machine learning is generally used for facial recognition through an image. Using a database of people, the system can easily identify the commonality and match it to the faces. This is commonly used in law administration.

Speech recognition

With the help of Machine Learning, you can easily translate speech into text. Such kind of software applications can convert live voice or recorded voice speech into text files. The voice can be separated based on the intensities and on the time-frequency band as well.

Real-life examples of speech recognition

  • Voice search
  • Voice dialing
  • Appliance control

Here is some commonly used speech recognition software like Google Assistant, Alexa, Siri, Cortana.

Medical diagnosis

ML can also help in disease diagnosis. Many of the physicians use chatbots that too with speech recognition ability to detect the patterns in symptoms.

Real-life examples of medical diagnosis

  • Guiding in formulating diagnosis or recommending a treatment option
  • Oncology and pathology uses Machine Learning to identify cancer forming tissue
  • Interpret bodily fluids

In the case of rarest diseases, using facial recognition and Machine Learning together can help scan the patient's photo and identify phenotypes that correspond with rare genetic diseases.

Statistical arbitrage

Arbitrage is a type of automatic trading strategy mostly used in finance that manages a large number of securities. The strategy uses a trading algorithm to interpret a set of security using economic correlations and variables.

The real-world instance of statistical arbitrage

  • Algorithm trading that analyzes a market microstructure
  • Analyzing large data sets
  • Identifying real-time arbitrage opportunities

Machine learning optimizes it to enhance the results of trading.

Predictive analytics

Machine learning can segregate available data into groups, which are later on defined by rules that analysts set. Later on, when the classification is completed, the analysts can then calculate the probability of a fault.

Real-life instances of predictive analytics

  • Analyzing whether the transaction is fault or appropriate
  • Improving the prediction system to identify the fault

Predictive analysis is one of the most promising instances of ML. It is applicable for everything from product development to real-estate pricing.


Machine learning can easily extract structured data from unstructured data. For example, organizations assemble vast volumes of data from customers. Machine learning algorithms automate the development of adding datasets for predictive data tools.

Real-world examples of extraction

  • Set up a model to assume vocal cord disorders
  • Establish methods to prevent, diagnose, and treat the disorders
  • Help physicians to diagnose and treat problems quickly

These processes are very tiresome. But ML can track and extract the information to obtain tons of data samples.


Machine learning has entered many sectors that are making life easy and fast. In the future, it will also be used in many more industries to provide convenience to us. You can hire a company that will provide you machine learning app development services with the development of applications based on machine learning or AI.

In this blog, I have given some real-world examples and usage of applications based on Machine Learning. You can go through the example and modify it as per your requirement and industry. I hope this blog will help you to select the industry in which you want to develop your application.

The post How can Machine-learning Apps Help us in the Real World? appeared first on Datafloq.

How the Best Cyber Security Firms Counteract Their Clients From Cyber Threats? Fri, 08 Oct 2021 11:34:44 +0000 The internet has emerged as the main conduit for cyber-attack operations, with hackers channeling threats via social-engineering assaults and even legal websites, putting more people in danger than ever before. […]

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The internet has emerged as the main conduit for cyber-attack operations, with hackers channeling threats via social-engineering assaults and even legal websites, putting more people in danger than ever before. As a result, more people are at risk than ever before. The use of financial fraud, phishing, malware, man-in-the-middle, a man in the browser, and man in mobile assaults, as well as other forms of cybercrime, results in massive losses for individuals and businesses alike. As a result, Cyber security application
has flourished and has made great steps forward in terms of revenue. However, it is critical not to lose sight of the reality that the ultimate objective is to safeguard as many end-users as is reasonably feasible.

What do we know by application security?

Application security refers to security measures implemented at the application level to prevent data or code included inside the app from being stolen or hijacked by a third party. While it covers the security concerns that occur during application development and design, it also includes methods and techniques that are used to safeguard applications after they have been deployed.

Application security may involve hardware, software, and processes that are designed to detect and mitigate security risks in software applications. It is possible to implement hardware application security by using a router to prevent anybody from seeing a computer's IP address from the Internet. Nonetheless, security protections at the application level are also usually incorporated into the program. For example, an application firewall that tightly specifies what actions are permitted and forbidden is frequently included. Procedures may include items such as an application security routine that incorporates procedures such as frequent testing, among other things.

Lets us know some cyber-security problems

1.DDoS (Denial-of-Service) attacks

DDoS assaults, also known as distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, have risen to become one of the most prevalent types of cybercrime in recent years.


Malicious software, which is a traditional type of cyberattack, may be delivered into a system in several different ways. When it comes to malware distribution, the most frequent sources include email attachments, software downloads, and operating system vulnerabilities.

3. Phishing

Scammers send you emails or text messages in an attempt to mislead you into divulging your personal information to them. They may attempt to get your passwords, account numbers, or Social Security numbers. Phishing emails and SMS messages may seem to be from a business you are familiar with or believe to be trustworthy. They may have the appearance of being from a bank, a credit card business, a social networking site, an online payment website or app, or an online retailer.

4. Misuse inside the organization

It is the use of information in ways that it was not meant to be used that are known as data abuse. User agreements, business policies, data privacy regulations, and other similar documents are all available. It investigates user knowledge of security rules, security-awareness programs, computer monitoring, and preventative security software, as well as their impact on user intentions towards the misapplication of information systems (IS).

Solutions to implement them

  1. Predictive Insights

Forecasting future consequences based on past information is the goal of data analytics. Data, statistical algorithms, and machine learning methods are used to make these predictions. The ultimate aim is to be more about understanding what has occurred and to provide the most accurate forecast of what will occur in the future.

2. Make a backup of important data

For businesses to be successful in the face of DDoS and ransomware assaults, it is critical to have a data backup strategy in place. It may be the difference between bringing solutions and technologies back up quickly with minimum downtime and experiencing a catastrophic server outage when you have access to mission-important data.

3. Cyber-insurance

A specialized lines insurance product designed to protect businesses, as well as individuals who provide services to such businesses, from World Wide Web risks and, more broadly, from risks about information technological infrastructure, data privacy, information management responsibility, and events connected with these risks. Industrial public liability plans generally exclude or at the very least do not explicitly describe hazards of this type, and conventional insurance plans do not specifically specify risks of this nature.

4. Knowledge and attentiveness

There is an epidemic of data breaches now taking place, and the harm and costs associated with these breaches are continuing to increase. The majority of data breaches are easily avoidable. One research showed that more than 90 percent of data breaches might have been prevented based on an analysis of more than 1,000 data breaches in total. Recognizing the dangers, your workers must be trained on how to use these gadgets safely and responsibly in the course of their jobs. This effective security subject should be covered in your training, and instances of removable media should be used to illustrate the point.

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Computational Dentistry with 3d Point Cloud Segmentation Fri, 01 Oct 2021 09:24:37 +0000 Modern dentistry has undergone noteworthy changes owing to the technical advancements in the field of machine learning-backed AI models. Upgraded imaging methods have now been incorporated in dentistry to ensure […]

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Modern dentistry has undergone noteworthy changes owing to the technical advancements in the field of machine learning-backed AI models. Upgraded imaging methods have now been incorporated in dentistry to ensure heightened efficiency levels and providing a reliable experience to customers. Significant improvements can be seen with treatment planning and diagnostic changes using computation dentistry that encompasses intra-oral and extra-oral optical imaging; herein, the use of data is also evidential for the machine learning-backed AI models enabled with point cloud labeling data

The intra-oral scanners imaging devices use light for capturing the surface of the anatomical structure of a patient's mouth and the project pattern of the mouth is measured by imaging sensors; creating an accurate 3D point cloud. Obtained 3D point cloud shows the geometrical profile of tooth and gingiva in high spatial resolution (30-80 points per mm2) and equally high spatial accuracy. For AI implementation, this 3D point cloud data is further used for orthodontic planning and treatment planning in modern dentistry. This also enables providing a detailed view of the anatomical structure of the clinical dental application.

AI and Deep neural networks in modern dentistry

The same methodologies have been used so far for the segmentation of individual teeth using imaging sensors and 3D point information. Such a methodology is IOS Segmentation methods and deep learning approaches are also used in the implementation of the same. Under the OS Segmentation methods, the projecting the 3D IOS mesh on 2D plain and applying computer vision algorithm on the obtained data, which is used for projection in 3D space. On the other hand, the deep learning approaches include two methodologies for segmentation.

Each methodology is then viewed as a separate set of approaches to teeth segmentation. In the first approach, the teeth are taken as a multi-class segmentation problem and every tooth is viewed as a separate semantic class. While in a second way, the tooth is segmentation is done as per the semantic instance segmentation problem. Simultaneously, a deep learning model for instance segmentation is also used for teeth segmentation, wherein a hybrid framework is used. This framework used 2D image data for detection and project 3D point cloud information in the preceding stage.

Furthermore, a new instance of segmentation model based on deep learning Mask MCNet is applied to irregular 3D point cloud information to predict 3D bounding box for object instances. Mask MCNet is an end-to-end deep learning framework, assuring maximum accuracy in computational dentistry with diverse clinical applications.

Along with this, in another instance, deep neural networks were utilized for detecting caries lesions on annotated data of single tooth segments. Converting the annotation in binary class level, CNNs – Resnet18, Resnext50 models were trained to predict the neural networks. Both the models successfully detected areas on teeth affected by caries lesions.

Computational dentistry: What's ahead

Dentistry, as a branch of medicine, is changing form in the 21st century. More than detecting common dental deformities or decay issues, in the past few years, the increased application of Artificial intelligence has accelerated research and development of advanced procedures for patients. Machine learning approaches like computer vision are being endorsed widely for predicting treatments and active diagnosis of various dental diseases.

Driven by imaging data, deep neural networks like Mask MCNet are also proving efficient in predicting diseases and related treatment with precision. The scope for investigation and finding out results with relation to dental conditions in dental subfields like dentistry, cariology, endodontics, periodontology, orthodontics, and forensic dentistry. A wave of augmented intelligence, courtesy progress in AI, and Deep Learning is making use of computational processes to build models which can provide results and improve dentistry as a practice, in the coming years. Such

progression will also be evident in handling the patient load, writing elaborative observations on paper, and performing a multitude of tasks on suggestive dental treatments

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4 top Web Design and UX trends that will Grow your Business Exponentially Wed, 03 Mar 2021 10:50:04 +0000 Expanding any business is, well a tough task. A company has to face many uncertainties regarding its marketing approaches, product formation, development plans, all in a single day. With so […]

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Expanding any business is, well a tough task. A company has to face many uncertainties regarding its marketing approaches, product formation, development plans, all in a single day. With so many constant responsibilities, it can be far too simple to let a small thing like digital existence fall by the edge. However, that would be a severe error.

The robust website design is a dominant factor in creating this reliability. By offering an online platform that is facile and trouble-free to direct, users will have a more convinced and positive experience throughout your website, that encourages them more likely to complete a purchase.

To make your presence unique, in the marketplace, there are a few reliable designs components that will convert the website visitors into loyal customers. A proficient and clean website is vital for every business to do well in the online field. The web design services mainly focused on the nature of the company and what a business wants for a productive online presence to eventually impel profits ahead.

Which is the best web design and UX trends that will help to raise your business rapidly?

Below are the top trends that will boost your business-

1. Video landing pages

Having a video into website designs is very common. Like 80% of internet users watch these videos online every day. But a business does not rely only on this traditional concept of videos. Instead of it, the designers have to take their website designs to the next level by making video landing pages.

With the help of these video landing pages, they can easily target a direct call to action on a specific web page, i.e. Salesforce. The designers can create an enticing video that auto-plays on the homepage of your website. This approach can be fruitful for the business as it either offers the essential information and displays the brand. Still, it will enhance the user impression of your business entirely.

2. Animation

Many times, the users are not able to explore all the features of your website unless you openly tell them. Though only conveying them, the features are not enough anymore. Today, every user expects additional features from websites; thus, every company requires to put more creativity and uniqueness in their sites to achieve their respective goals.

Adding a little animation to highlight the essential features and services of your company is a practical step. The animation can be of the simple effect that catches the user's attention or a micro-interaction. Users are always looking for creativity and innovation; they will be more interested in the sites which grab their attention and offers them effective solutions according to their requirements.

For example, Airbnb uses its animation application, Lottie, to integrate refined graphics throughout its website and app designs.

3. Custom layout

Gone are the days when fonts like Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri or other basic fonts have been used. Today, every website requires text which fascinates the users towards it. The custom fonts will take your website one step forward that includes your brand identity at the same time it will attract the visitors to site.

This exclusive typography can take many forms or be found in different sections of your design. Companies can use this feature to build their creative logos, while some businesses use these custom fonts in throughout their web design to grab attention to essential contents. Lastly, the use of these custom fonts will depend upon the companies.

4. Parallax scrolling

Undeniably, the digital era has changed many facets of our daily lives. Still, it had its negative impact too- it makes people lazy in a way, that they find the clicking a button option hectic.

The introduction of Parallax scrolling has resolved this issue too. This ultimate scrolling effect has reduced the customer's usual laziness while remaining attractive and visually tempting. With an easy swipe like Tinder, users can quickly go through the information of your website according to their requirements.

It will help the companies to prioritize and manage their content quickly and enhance their user's prospect of perceiving the site.

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Best Apps for Tracking Home Energy Usage Tue, 09 Feb 2021 14:45:31 +0000 How do you make your home more energy-efficient? There are a few tricks that help, like installing a programmable thermostat and weatherstripping doors and windows. However, you can also use […]

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How do you make your home more energy-efficient? There are a few tricks that help, like installing a programmable thermostat and weatherstripping doors and windows. However, you can also use technology to your advantage.

If you always have your phone handy, you should consider apps to track your energy usage. This way, you can save some money and be more eco-friendly. Take a look.

1. Nest

Nest works alongside the Nest Learning Thermostat and other Nest products. As a user, you can control your thermostat from any device. It shows a digital thermostat with buttons to adjust the temperature. Nest also shows users their energy consumption history.

This app can be a useful resource when you're away from home. If you need to quickly change your thermostat's schedule, you can. Plus, you have a way to analyze your heating and cooling habits. Nest's data will help your household conserve more energy.

2. Meter Readings

With Meter Readings, you can track your home's meters via your phone or tablet. Add your electricity, water, gas and more to see information about your meters, like usage and costs. It's much easier to read your meters when they're all in one place.

If you don't want to go outside to analyze your meters every time you need information, Meter Readings will be a smart choice.

3. Dropcountr

How much water do you use every day? If you're like most people, you probably don't know. Dropcountr will help. This app connects users to their water utilities so that they can track their usage. As a result, you can see various related analytics that indicate how much water you use daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.

All in all, Dropcountr offers an accessible way to reduce your water consumption.

4. Breaker Panel

How fast can you find your fuse box? This board contains your electrical panel, which controls everything electric-related in your home. If you don't have these buttons organized, you can waste unnecessary energy and encounter potential hazards.

Breaker Panel allows you to add, edit and delete virtual breakers that mimic your house's fuse box layout. Then, you just have to look at the app to know which switch connects to which source. This system simplifies everything so that you can reserve electricity easier.

5. Energy Cost

It's tough to cut down on electricity usage unless you know how much energy your appliances use. After all, you need to know which ones to target. Energy Cost Calculator lets users input hours used per day, power use in watts and price in kilowatt-hours to see helpful data points.

For example, you might say you use your 1,000-watt microwave for 30 minutes every day. If you paid around 13 cents for electricity per kilowatt-hour, like the national average, you'd be able to see what you pay to operate that appliance. This information should help you cut back.

6. JouleBug

If you want to turn saving energy into a game, you should try JouleBug. This app awards users points and badges whenever they complete sustainable actions. As a user, you'll connect your utility account to JouleBug. The software uses that data to see how you adjust your habits.

There's even an option to compete in challenges against local and national users.

7. Energy Consumption

Energy Consumption Analyzer lets people input their home's meters into a profile. Afterward, you can see endless information regarding your meter readings. There are also options to add color-coded labels and comment on data. As a result, you'll have an organized page that details your meter usage.

Download These Apps to
Be More Energy-Conscious

It takes effort to reduce your energy consumption but you can make your efforts more impactful by using technology. Many apps exist to help users track everything from water usage to thermostat temperature. Try a few different options to save energy today.

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